Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Child Abuse

Over 50,000 reports of suspected child abuse or neglect are reported each week by the child protective services throughout the United States. About 900,000 children are victims of child abuse and neglect in the United States each year. In my opinion, this is way too much. The four main types of abuse are physical, sexual, mental, and neglect. A way to take care of all four types would be to educate. Educating children to tell someone they are being abused and to learn how to be better parents would help eliminate future cases. Also the education of safe sex practices would help reduce the amount of unwanted babies that may have unstable parents. Not one single solution will take care of all child abuse cases in the United States, but education may have the most impact.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This expresses the idea that if stem cell research actually can work, why not fund it to improve the research even more. In my opinion , since the promises are so high, we should put some money into this experimentation to better the United States of America's health. Stem cells have been showing more and more signs of promises towards curing diseases and other health related things. In the cartoon, you feel sympathetic towards peter and his half paralyzed body. It seems like it would be unethical to tell peter that you can't walk into those doors because other people view it as unethical.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

The only method of harvesting stem cells that do not have ethical problems and cures genetic diseases are by adults donating stem cells. But since these donated stem cells are not as versatile as the stem cells obtained by embryos, in my opinion, we should take advantage of the more promising way of research despite some ethical problems.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Since embryonic stem cell research is promising new ways to improve medicine and health, we shouldn't halt research because of the use of embryos. A big argument is how using a embryo is like killing a person. In my opinion, the stage at which the embryo is used for research is far from an actual person.